Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Kids/Toddlers Pants or Jeans Upcycled into Shorts for the Summer

I first turned about a dozen pairs of my kids pants into shorts last year.  It worked out so well I did it again this year!

When I swap out my kids winter clothes for summer clothes, I sort them into 5 piles: 
1.) save for Autumn - clothes that will still fit in a few months
2.) too small & bring to the swap shop at the dump
3.) too small & hand-me-down to friends
4.) too small, good brands in great shape, & save for Autumn to consign
5.) well-worn (not consignable) pants or jeans that still fit or may be a tad too short & won't fit in the Autumn

Pile #5 goes to my sewing area.

Last year I also did this with my daughter's pants & made several pairs of capris & bermuda shorts for her, as well as regular shorts.  All of her shorts from last year still fit her well so I didn't have to make any for her this year.  The pictures are of my son's pants being turned into shorts, although the concept is the same, no matter the size.  In fact, next I am turning 2 pairs of my old jeans into capris!  :)

Want to make some of your own?  Here's what you need:

  • Pants (to turn into shorts)
  • Sheers
  • Sewing machine
  • Denim needle for sewing machine
  • Thread, color of your choice (I used tan for all of them)
  • A pair of shorts that fit your child well to use as a guide
  • measuring tool (I can never find my measuring tape, I just use my index finger as the unit of measurement doesn't matter, as long as it's the same every time)
  • Fabric-marking tool (a pen will work too, you only use it once to mark the first hem & it gets folded over on itself so you can't see it)


1.) With each pair of pants, lay out flat & place the shorts flat over the pants.  Choose 1 pant leg.  Using the sheers, cut the pant leg off approx. 2" below the hem of the shorts.

2.) Set the shorts aside.  Fold the pants in half, lining up the waist line.  Using the sheers, cut off the other pant leg, matching the cut of the first pant leg.  (I did set the pant legs aside, when I have enough to come up with a project, I'll blog about it & share the link here ;) )

Repeat with all of the pairs of pants.

Above are all of the pants with the pant legs cut off & the shorts I used as a guide.

3.)  Using a measuring tape or ruler (or your index finger ;) ),  measure (approx.) 3/4" from the raw edge, mark with a fabric marking tool or pen, on both sides of each legs of the shorts.

4.)  Roll over at the mark.  Pin (if you want to, I find it just slows me down ;) ).  Set the sewing machine stitch length to 3 (I have a Singer) & sew a straight stitch about 1/2" from the fabric edge.  Repeat on second shorts leg.

5.)  Roll over fabric again.  Again, sew a straight stitch about 1/2" from fabric edge.  Repeat on second shorts leg.  Repeat with all of the shorts.

These 6 pairs took approximately 2 - 2.5 hours to turn into shorts.  Say I'd gone to a consignment shop & found 6 pairs of shorts for $6 each.  That's $36 right there that I just saved, not bad for less than 3 hours work.  :-D

Enjoy!!  :)